- On April 27, Ihr-1, an intelligent humanoid robot, was born.
It is designed by RCIR and built as control platform for humanoid
robot stable locomotion, human-machine interaction. The last aim
is to build an economical robot aiding people in common family.
- On April 18-22, 2005, IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation (ICRA 2005) will be held in Barcelona, Spain. Two
papers from our group were accepted.
- On Jan. 11th, 2005, Prof. Jianbo Su received a title "Shanghai
Shuguang Excellent Scholar of Year 2004" as a reward.
- On Dec. 23, 2004 and Jan. 7, 2005, Dr. Zhiwei Luo from Riken,
Japan visited our department and gave two talks for us.
- On Aug 26-29, IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning
and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2004) was held in Shanghai. Professor Jianbo
Su is the general chair of the conference. Three papers from our
group were accepted. Zhang Yanjun obtained the Lotfi Zadeh Outstandind
Paper Award.
- On Aug 23-26, the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
(ICPR 2004) was held in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Fang Liu attended
the conference and presented her work.
- On Aug 19-21, the International Symposium on Neural Networks
(ISNN 2004) was held in Dalian. Three papers from our group were
accepted. Jianbo Su and Xusheng Lei attended the conference and
presented our work.
- On May 17-19, the 6th International Conference on Automatic
Face & Gesture Recognition (FGR 2004) was held in Seoul, Korea.
Fuzhen Huang attended the conference and presented her work.
- On April 26 - May 1, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation (ICRA 2004) will be held in New Orleans, LA, USA.
Four papers from our group were accepted. Professor Jianbo Su
will attend the conference and present our work.
- On March 2, 2004, one of our research project 'Open
Distributed Architecture for Internet based Robotic System' (supported
by National 863 High-Tech R&D Program, Grant No.2001AA422260)
finished and recieved fully agreement and appreciation from experts.
- October, 2003, SAMSUNG visited RCIR
- September,2003, a multisensor information fusion algorithm based
on incremental learning method is applied in a calligraphic robot.
Experiments show the feasibility of the algorithm.
- January, 2003, the vision part of Humanoid robot finished.