

上海交通大学自动化系教授 博导


办公地点: 电信群楼2号楼409
E-mail: jbsu@sjtu.edu.cn








1985,9 - 1987,7   上海交通大学 少年班

1987,9 - 1989,7   上海交通大学自动控制系 获工学学士学位

1989,9 - 1992,1   中国科学院自动化研究所 国家模式识别实验室,获模式识别与智能控制专业硕士学位

1992,3 - 1995,5   东南大学自动化所,获控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位

1995,9 - 1997,8   中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统与控制实验室,博士后,副研究员

1997,9 至今       上海交通大学自动化系副教授、教授(2000,12)、博士生导师(2001,7)、长聘教授(2015,9

1999,10 - 2000,3  香港中文大学机械与自动化系 访问学者

2002,12 - 2003,2  慕尼黑工业大学 访问教授

2004,3 - 2005,10  日本理化学研究所 仿生控制研究中心(BMC)访问科学家



主要从事智能机器人、人机交互、模式识别、抗干扰控制等领域的研究。在国内外主流学术期刊和会议发表学术论文 260 多篇,出版专著 2 部、主编1 部、参译2部,获授权中国发明专利20多项。

1.  20162月,教育部自然科学二等奖;

2.  201511月,第17届中国国际工业博览会高校展区一等奖;

3.  201411月,上海市科技进步三等奖;

4.  201410月,IEEE Best Associate Editor Award;

5.  201310月,第13届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖;

6.  201211月,“人脸识别身份认证系统”获第14届中国国际工业博览会(上海)中国高校展区优秀展品三等奖及第14届中国国际高新技术成果交易会(深圳)优秀产品奖;

7.  20069月,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划

8.  20051月,评选为“上海市优秀硕士论文导师”;

9.  20051月,入选上海市第二届十佳优秀曙光学者

10. 20049月,被推选为IEEE Senior Member

11. 20047月,IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Zadeh 最佳论文奖;

12. 200311月,第4届中国智能机器人大赛RoboCup足球机器人比赛2:2中型自主机器人冠军;

13. 20019月,获得上海市曙光学者称号。 


1. 20051月起,IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics (Part B:Cybernetics) Associate Editor, 2013 1月起该刊改名为IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,继续担任 Associate Editor

2. 200711月起,International Journal of Social RoboticsAssociate Editor

3. 20131月起 International Journal of Humanoid RoboticsAssociate Editor

4. 20137月起,《控制理论与应用》编委。


1. 20111月起,IEEE Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction (人机交互技术委员会)IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics Society, 委员;

2. 20051月起,IEEE Technical Committee on Networked Robots (网络机器人技术委员会)IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, 委员。

3. 200812月起,中国自动化学会第九届、第十届理事会理事;

4. 20137月起,中国自动化学会智能自动化专业委员会副主任委员;

5. 20047月起,中国自动化学会第5届、第6届、第7届青年工作委员会主任委员;

6. 20131月起,中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会委员。

7. 20228月起,中国指挥与控制学会自抗扰控制专业委员会副主任委员。


1.     苏剑波,李耀通,一种用于机器人的物体运动参数快速识别方法, 自动化学报,第 20 卷, 3期,28629119945月。

2.     潘且鲁,苏剑波,席裕庚,基于神经网络的机器人手眼无标定平面视觉跟踪,自动化学报,第27卷第2期,194-19920013月。

3.     Jun Wang, Jianbo SU, Yugeng Xi, COM-Based Software Architecture for Multi-Sensor Fusion System, International Journal of Information Fusion, Vol.2, No. 4, pp.261-270, Dec., 2001.

4.     潘且鲁,苏剑波,席裕庚,眼在手上机器人手眼无标定三维视觉跟踪,自动化学报,第28卷第3期,371-37720025

5.     王军,苏剑波,一种具有渐进学习能力的融合方法, 电子学报 Vol.30, No.10, 1496-1500, 200210月。

6.     苏剑波,邱文彬,基于自抗扰控制器的机器人无标定手眼协调,自动化学报Vol. 29, No.2, pp. 161-167, 20033月。

7.     黄福珍,苏剑波,基于level set方法的人脸轮廓提取与跟踪, 计算机学报Vol.26, No.4, 491-496, 20034月。

8.     Jianbo SU, Yugeng Xi, Uwe D. Hanebeck, and Guenther Schmidt, “Nonlinear Visual Mapping Model for 3-D Visual Tracking with Uncalibrated Eye-in-Hand Robotic System”, IEEE Trans. System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 34, No.1, 652-659, Feb., 2004.

9.     Jianbo Su, Jun Wang, Yugeng, Xi, “Incremental Learning with Balanced Update on Receptive Fields for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion”, IEEE Trans. System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 34, No.1, 659-665, Feb., 2004.

10.  马红雨,苏剑波,基于自抗扰控制器的机器人无标定三维手眼协调自动化学报Vol. 30, No. 3, 400-406, May, 2004

11.  Fuzhen Huang, Jianbo SU, Yugeng Xi, “Incorporating Prior Shape into Geometric Active Contours for Face Contour Detection”, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 552-555, July, 2004.

12.  Jianbo Su, Hongyu Ma, Wenbin Qiu, Yugeng Xi, “Task-Independent Robotic Uncalibrated Hand-Eye Coordination Based on the Extended State Observer”, IEEE Trans. System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol.34, No. 4, pp. 1917-1922, Aug. 2004.

13.  Jianbo SU, Wenbin Qiu, Hongyu Ma, Pengyung Woo, “Calibration-Free Robotic Eye-Hand Coordination Based on an Auto Disturbance-Rejection Controller”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 899-907, Oct, 2004.

14.  周玮,苏剑波,用户意图建模:一种新的基于Internet的移动机器人控制方法自动化学报Vol. 32, No. 5, pp.819-823, 20069月。

15.  Jianbo SU, “Motion Compression for Telepresence Locomotion”,  Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments Vol.16, No.4, pp. 385-398, 2007.

16.  Jianbo SuRonald ChungLiang JinHomography-based Partitioning of Curved Surface for Stereo Correspondence Establishment” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.28, No. 12, pp. 1459-1471, Sept. 2007.

17.  Jianbo Su ,“Camera Calibration Based on Receptive Fields” Pattern RecognitionVol.40, No. 10, pp. 2837-2845, Oct. 2007.

18.  Fei YangJianbo Su, “Fast illumination normalization for robust eye localization under variable illuminationSPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 010503-1—010503-3, Feb., 2009.

19.  Jianbo SU, Yanjun Zhang, “Integration of a Plug-and-Play Desktop Robotic System”, Robotica Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 403-409, 2009.

20.  Fei, Yang, Jianbo SU, “Locating Facial Features with an Improved Active Shape Model”, Optical Engineering,  Vol. 48, No.5, pp.  057202-1-057202-8, May, 2009

21.  Wendong Peng, Zongli Lin, and Jianbo Su. “Computed Torque Control Based Composite Nonlinear Feedback Controller for Robot Manipulators with Bounded Torques”. IET Proc. Of Control Theory and Applications,  Vol.3, No.6, pp.701-711, 2009.

22.  Chenggang Liu, Jianbo Su, “Basic Behavior Acquisition of a Robot Head Based on Multisensor Integration”, Advanced Robotics, Vol. 23, No. 12, pp 1561-1578, Sept. 2009.

23.  Dengpeng Xing, Jianbo Su, “Motion Generation for the Upper Body of Humanoid Robot”, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 7 No. 2pp. 281-294, Jun, 2010.

24.  Jianbo Su, “Convergence Analysis for the Uncalibrated Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination Based on the Unmodeled Dynamics Observer”, RoboticaVol. 28, No. 4, pp.597-605, July, 2010.

25.  苏剑波,周玮,网络机器人的可调整自主性自动化学报Vol. 36 No.7, pp.982-992, 20107

26.  邢登鹏,苏剑波,仿人机器人双臂/躯干运动研究(Arm/Trunk Motion Generation for Humanoid Robot中国科学(F:信息科学)(Science China- Information Sciences)Vol. 53, No.8, pp.1603-1612, 20108

27.  Jianbo Su, Wenlong Xie, “Motion Planning and Coordination for Robot Systems based on Representation Space”, IEEE Trans. System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 41, NO. 1, pp.248-259, Feb. 2011.

28.  Chenggang Liu, Christopher G. Atkeson, Jianbo SU, “Neighboring Optimal Control for Periodic Tasks for Systems with Discontinuous Dynamics”, 中国科学(F:信息科学)(Science China- Information Sciences)Vol. 54 No. 3, pp. 653-663, MAR 2011.  

29.  尹正男,苏剑波,刘艳涛,基于范数优化的干扰观测器的鲁棒设计”, 自动化学报Vol.37, No.  3, pp. 331-341, Mar. 2011

30.  Dengpeng Xing, Jianbo SU, Yantao Liu, Jiandong Zhong, “Robust approach for humanoid joint control based on a disturbance observer”, IET Proc. Of Control Theory & Applications, Vol. 5, No. 14, pp. 1630–1636, 2011.

31.  尹正男,苏剑波,保证闭环系统鲁棒稳定性的干扰观测器系统性设计方法自动化学报Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 12-22, Jan. 2012.

32.  Yongxiong Wang Jianbo Su, “Rapid Cascade Condition Assessment of Ductwork via Robot Vision”, Optical Engineering, Vol. 51, No.2, pp. 027201-1—027201-11, Feb, 2012.

33.  杨飞,苏剑波,人脸显式特征的融合构造方法及识别电子学报Vol. 40, No. 3, pp.466-471 20123月。

34.  赵玥, 苏剑波, “一种用于人脸识别的矢量三角形局部特征模式”, 电子学报,Vol.  40, No. 11, pp. 2309-2314, 201211

35.  Chenggang Liu, Christopher G. Atkeson, Jianbo Su, “Biped Walking Control Using a Trajectory Library”, Robotica, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp.311-322, Mar, 2013.

36.  Jong Nam Yun, Jianbo SU, Yong Il Kim, Yong Chun Kim, “Robust Disturbance Observer for Two-Inertia System”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  Vol. 60, No. 7, pp.2700-2710, 2013.

37.  Jiandong Zhong, Jianbo SU, “Robot Path Planning in Narrow Passages based on Probabilistic Roadmaps”, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 28, No.3, pp.207-217, Sept. 2013. 

38.  Yongxiong Wang, Jianbo Su, “Automated defect and contaminant inspection of HVAC duct”, Automation in Construction, Vol. 41, pp.15–24, 2014.

39.  Yue Zhao, Jianbo SU, “Local Sharpness Distribution based Feature Points Matching Algorithm”, SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 23, No. 1, 013011-1-013011-8, Jan, 2014.

40.  Jong Nam Yun and Jianbo Su, “Design of a Disturbance Observer for a Two-Link Manipulator With Flexible Joints”, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology,  Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 809-815, March 2014.

41.  Jianbo SU, “Representation and inference of user intention for Internet robot”, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 995-1002, Aug. 2014.

42.  于哲, 王璐, 苏剑波, “基于干扰观测器的不确定线性多变量系统控制”, 自动化学报 Vol.40, No. 11, pp.2643-2649, 201411月。

43.  Dengpeng Xing, Jianbo SU, “Joint Role Exploration in Sagittal Balance by Optimizing Feedback Gains”, Robotica, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 127–139, 2015.

44.  Lu Wang, Jianbo SU, “Trajectory Tracking of Vertical Take-off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles based on Disturbance Rejection Control”, IEEE/CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.65-73Jan.  2015.

45.  Lu Wang, Jianbo SU, “Robust Optimal Disturbance Observer Design for the Non-minimum Phase System”,  Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 1453–1457, Jul. 2015.

46.  Lu Wang, Jianbo SU, “Disturbance Rejection Control for Non-minimum Phase Systems with Optimal Disturbance Observer”, ISA Transactions, Vol. 57, pp.1-9, July, 2015.

47.  Yue Zhao, Jianbo Su, “New Sparse Facial Feature Description Model based on Salience Evaluation of Regions and Features”, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.29, No.5, pp.1556007 (21 pages), Aug. 2015.

48.  Su, Jianbo, Wang, Lu, Yun, Jong Nam, “A Design of Disturbance Observer in Standard H∞ Control Framework”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 25, No. 16, pp. 2894-2910, Nov. 2015.

49.  Lu Wang, Jianbo SU, “Robust Disturbance Rejection Control for Attitude Tracking of an Aircraft”, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 2361-2368, Nov. 2015.

50.  Zhe Ma, Zhe Yu, Jianbo SU, “Robust Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Control Based on Disturbance Observer” ISA Transactions, Vol. 59, Pp. 193–204, Nov. 2015.

51.  Lu Wang, Jianbo SU, Guofei Xiang, “ Robust Motion Control System Design with Scheduled Disturbance Observer”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63, No.10, Pp. 6519-6529, Oct.2016. 

52.  Zhang, Yanjun, Zhang, Jun., Wang, Lu., Su, Jianbo, “Composite Disturbance Rejection Control based on Generalized Extended State Observer”,  ISA Transactions, Vol.63, pp. 377-386, JUL 2016 .

53.  Zhe Ma, Jianbo SU, “Aesthetics Evaluation for Robotic Chinese Calligraphy", IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems,  Vol.9, No.1, pp. 80- 90, 2017.

54.  Yefei Chen, Jianbo SU, “Sparse Embedded Dictionary Learning on Face Recognition”, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 64, pp. 51–59, Apr. 2017.

55.  Zhe Ma; Jianbo Su, “Stroke Reasoning for Robotic Chinese Calligraphy Based on Complete Feature Sets”, International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 525-535, 2017.

56.  吴长虹,苏剑波,抗年龄干扰的人脸识别 电子学报。已录用。

57.  张瑞,苏剑波,基于稀疏特征挑选和概率线性判别分析的表情识别研究电子学报。已录用。

58.  Guofei Xiang, Jianbo Su, “Task-oriented Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Skill Acquisition and Control”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 1056-1069, Feb. 2021.

59.  Zhenzhen Xiang, Jianbo Su, “Towards Customizable Robotic Disinfection with Structure-Aware Semantic Mapping”, IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 35477-35486, Feb. 2021.

60.  Kai Zhao, Daotong Wang, Yu Zhai, Kejun Zhang, Jianbo Su, “Real-Time Sign Language Recognition based on Video Stream”, International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp.158-174, April. 2021.

61.  Wenchao Xue, Sen Chen, Cheng Zhao, Yi Huang, Jianbo Su, “On Integrating Uncertainty Estimator into PI Control for A Class of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 66, No. 7, pp. 3409-3416, JUL. 2021.

62.  Xinyao Hou, Yanping Wang, Xinyi Wang, Jiahao Zhao, Xiaobo Zhu, Yu Zhang, Jianbo Su, “A Markerless 2D Video of Facial Features Recognition based Artificial Intelligence Model to Assist Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol. 23, No.11, pp. e29554, Nov. 2021.

63.  Jingrui Yu, Jianbo Su, “Hierarchical Multi-level Information Fusion for Robust and Consistent Visual SLAM”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 250-259, Jan. 2022.

64.  Mingzheng Feng, Jianbo Su, “Learning Reliable Modal Weight with Transformer for Robust RGBT Tracking”, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 249, pp. 108945, Aug. 2022.

